All “Custom fit” motorcyle suit makers are not the same
True handmade “Custom fit” Motorcycle suits like those manufactured by Comet Racing Leathers are constructed to your exact body measurements with 20 different measurements to make sure every pad and slider is in the exact perfect location the day you crash because we all know everybody crashes and the key is what happens when you go down.Please Be aware all “custom fit” Motorcycle racing suit are not created equal-many so-called suits are just off the rack suits that modified with a logo or a tuck here and there to say they will fit or give you a bit more flair on your bike.
At Comet professional pattern makers takes great pride in starting from scratch on every suit to give the rider the exact ‘custom fit” he or she needs and desires with each suit being hand cut.

Manufactured by Hand
At Comet Racing Leathers we focus on every one of the 22 specific measurements of your body to tailor and custom your leather motorcycle suit or sport bike jacket that might literally save your skin. Every inch your suit will be cut and Kevlar sewn with only you the unique end user in mind. We manufacture every suit and jacket by hand and our Comet suits to meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

You will Crash and what is your safety worth?
Because we we all know there are only 2 types of motorcyle riders the one that crashed and the ones that will crash- the question is do you want to trust a rack suit that was thown together to meet a general size or do you want a custom Fit motorcyle suit that is customized to your body to save you skin?
Ask Colin Gast what he perfers–
I walked away with not a scratch. Not bad for sliding across the concrete and tumbling through the sand at that speed. Your suit really saved my butt, literally. Thank you for making this suit so safe, I really appreciate it. Everything did what it was supposed to and I’m able to walk away from this incident without a scratch
Watch the complete crash Video

We are extremely happy Colin is safe and walked away from that spill at 140 MHP and of course our custom suits can only do so much to protect you but we can guarantee that your custom fit comet leather will be hand made to the best of our ability that Custom fit Motorcyle suit manufacture will care more about how your suit fits than Comet Racing Leathers.
Colin thank you for your trust and all at Comet wish you great year ahead !
Comet Racing Leathers